Princeton Undergraduate Student Government




it all started in…

1975, with Thomas Pyle ‘75 being the first president of Princeton’s Undergraduate Student Government. Before USG, there was the Princeton Student Council, and after USG developed, only two committees were set in place: the Academics Committee and the Undergraduate Life Committee. Soon after, other committees were established, such as the Sustainability Committee, and more structured approaches were adapted.

In the beginning, USG mainly focused on the honor code, but with time, Princeton’s USG broadened its focus into other areas of Princeton, such as advocating for certain school initiatives. The organization was restructured to become more representative and inclusive, allowing for direct elections and the expansion of student participation. This period also marked the introduction of initiatives focused on student well-being, diversity, and engagement with university administration on policies affecting campus life. For example, members of USG were a big part of the discussion behind creating the first student campus center: Frist Campus Center. 

However, despite these developments, Princeton USG first experienced much uncertainty from the student body and the administration. Many students were doubtful of USG’s relevance and impact to Princeton’s community and thought that Princeton was much better off without USG. This attitude led to particular USG-sponsored initiatives, such as former USG president Paul McDonald’s ‘93 push for increased minority-student resources, to face backlash from the community. Even though the lack of support was discouraging, McDonald explained that he expected this considering that in the past, many students believed USG members to be insincere and to only participate in USG for their resume. 

Now, with a change in attitude and further developments, USG continues to be focused on fostering inclusivity, sustainability, and student advocacy. In addition to hosting the traditional Lawnparties, efforts to address issues such as mental health awareness, sexual misconduct prevention, and diversity and inclusion have become central to its mission. The COVID-19 pandemic posed unprecedented challenges, and USG worked closely with university officials to navigate remote learning, public health guidelines, and student support measures. The organization has also continued to champion student-led initiatives, such as improving campus spaces, increasing funding for student organizations, and enhancing academic policies.

Today, Princeton’s USG remains a vital institution committed to representing student voices and shaping the undergraduate experience. Its evolution reflects the changing priorities of Princeton’s student body and the broader trends in higher education governance. As the university continues to grow and adapt to new challenges, USG will likely remain a cornerstone of student leadership, ensuring that undergraduates have a say in the policies and initiatives that shape their time at Princeton and that USG continuously serves the undergraduate community.

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