Your Undergraduate Student Government
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Current Members


Avi Attar '25:

Hello, my name is Avi Attar. Originally from Newton, Massachusetts, I am a member of the Class of 2025 and a concentrator in the School of Public and International Affairs. I joined USG to represent and advocate for student interests, and as President, I am striving to make this school, which I love, an even better place for all community members. In this vein, some of our priorities as USG this year are building inclusive community and promoting mental wellbeing. It is a tremendous privilege to serve in USG for me, and I invite all community members to reach out to me about anything on your mind.

Srista Tripathi '25:
Vice President


Executive Committee

CPUC U-Council Chair

Hello! My name is Daniel Shaw, and I'm proud to be serving you all on the USG and CPUC! In USG, I serve on the University Services and On-Campus Additions Working Groups, so please feel free to reach out to me about those or any other topics of interest! Outside of USG, you can find me on the court for Rec Tennis and out and about Whig-Clio events. I look forward to hearing from you!

Aishwarya Swamidurai '26:
CPUC ExCOMM Representative

Hi everyone! My name is Aishwarya Swamidurai. I am a sophomore currently majoring in SPIA, with a certificate in History and the Practice of Diplomacy. I have been a part of USG as a U-Councilor since my freshman year, working on the mental health and academics committees, and on initiatives from TigerHub Mobile to wellness on campus. I'm excited to serve as your CPUC ExComm Representative, leading the U-Council and bringing student priorities to the CPUC. My focus is around making Princeton accessible through inclusive programming and resources to make the student experience better!

Vivian Bui ‘26:

My name is Vivian Bui (she/her), and I am a member of the Great Class of 2026 from Huntington Beach, California. I am majoring in SPIA and getting a minor in Music Theater and certificate in American Studies. I have served on the Academics Committee since my freshman fall, and I am excited to be serving as your Academics Chair for the 2024-25 term! On the Academics Committee, I have worked on initiatives supporting the transition from certificates to minors, the first-year academic experience, and equity within undergraduate academics. Outside of USG, I am a proud member of the Mock Trial team and the Triangle Club. As Academics Chair, I look forward to supporting productive conversations between USG, the greater student body, and the administration regarding academics. If you’d ever like to reach out with an idea, question, or concern, feel free to email me at


Karen Villanueva ‘27:

My name is Karen Villanueva (she/her), and I am a member of the Class of 2027 from Blacksburg, Virginia. I hope to concentrate in SPIA or Sociology with a possible certificate in Values and Public Life. Beyond Princeton, I plan to pursue a career in higher education where I can continue helping students in all capacities. Outside of being a U-Councilor, I am also involved in the USG Social Committee, the Scholars Institute Fellows Program (SIFP), and the Princeton Student Events Committee (PSEC). In my free time, I love getting good food with friends, watching movies, doing art, and listening to audiobooks. I also always look forward to meeting new people, so please feel free to reach out at!

enzo kho ‘26:
SOCial Chair

I'm Enzo, a sophomore from the Philippines, majoring in Sociology with certificates in Urban Studies and Gender and Sexuality Studies. It's an absolute thrill for me to serve as your Social Chair, contributing to strengthening Princeton’s tight-knit and supportive community. Outside of the USG, I also lead the Peer Career Adviser program at the Center for Career Development, serving as its president. I also serve as the Youth Education Chair under the Student Volunteers Council at the PACE Center. Beyond these roles, my passion for the arts is further expressed through participation in several dance groups on campus, where I enjoy exploring various styles and forms of dance. Should you have any questions or just want to chat, feel free to contact me through my email at

Meera Kochhar ‘25:

Hi everyone! My name is Meera Kochhar, and I’m so grateful and honored to serve as the Mental Health Committee Chair. Originally from Orlando, Florida, I’m majoring in Psychology with minors in Neuroscience and South Asian Studies. “Creating compassionate communities” is a life motto I live by that inspires my passion for improving mental health through educational systems and understanding the unique needs of different students. Beyond my USG role, I’m an RCA at Rocky College, a meditation instructor, and an avid lover of beaches and tea! I see USG as a meaningful opportunity to create change through an optimistic yet realistic approach. If you have any questions, feedback, or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out at!


abby lu ‘26:
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Chair

Hello, my name Abby! I am a sophomore from Hong Kong concentrating in the School of Public and International Affairs with certificates in History and European Cultural Studies. It is my pleasure to be serving as your DEI Committee Chair for the 2024-2025 term. I am committed to examining the intersection between DEI and mental health, and fostering the DEI Committee to be an effective advocacy body for identity-based groups on campus. Beyond USG, I am actively involved in the Rocky Residential College and conduct research for SPIA. I am also an avid lover of comedy and the many coffee shops on Nassau.

genevieve shutt ‘26:
Campus and Community Affairs ChaiR

Hi! I am Genevieve Shutt (she/her), and I am excited to serve as the USG Campus and Community Affairs Chair. I am always looking for new and exciting ways to create community on campus and off! Please reach out if you would ever like to chat about this crazy place we call home, Princeton. Outside of USG you can find me at the Princeton University Farmers Market, planning Vote 100 events or studying with a warm latte.

Jenna Eliott '24
Undergraduate Student Life Chair


Uma Fox '25: Treasurer

Hello! I'm Uma, a sophomore from the Washington, DC Area. I am currently majoring in History with minors in South Asian Studies and Journalism. Previously, I served on USG as the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee Chair and as a U-Councilor. I'm excited to work with more students this year to expand funding opportunities and community initiatives. Outside of USG, you can find me writing with the Princeton Legal Journal and the Princeton Progressive, doing research for SPIA, and trying new coffee orders at Small World.

rushil chetty ‘27:
Director oF Communications
and Public Affairs

Quentin Colón Roosevelt '27:
Sustainability Chair

Quentin is a member of the class of 2027 from Washington, DC. He is a member of Butler College and is currently planning to major in SPIA or Politics, but he is also deeply interested in History and Philosophy. This is Quentin’s first year on Princeton’s USG, and he is incredibly excited to serve his fellow students both as Sustainability Committee Chair and on the Executive Committee. Outside of USG, Quentin is a member of Princeton College Democrats, Divest Princeton, and Whig-Clio. He also serves as a (low-level) elected official for DC’s municipal government. He can be reached at for questions or comments about the Sustainability Committee or to chat about anything else!

U- Councilors




Roberto Lachner is a Forbesian sophomore from Jacksonville, FL (originally from San Jose, Costa Rica), majoring in something social science with minors in LAS and Environmental Studies. He’s an Orange Key tour guide, publicist for the Princeton Pianists Ensemble, and a Bible Study leader for the Aquinas Institute.



ila prabhuram ‘27

My name is Ila (pronounced ee-luh), and I'm a first-year at Princeton from Woodstock, Georgia. I'm a prospective Politics major with minors in Entrepreneurship and the History & Practice of Diplomacy, and I'm interested in exploring the intersection between international law, democracy, and human rights. I also enjoy dancing (Bollywood and Hip Hop), playing the harp and piano, reading, writing, and binge watching "Regular Show." I'm excited to be on USG and help foster tangible change for the Princeton community!



My name is Karen Villanueva (she/her), and I am a member of the Class of 2027 from Blacksburg, Virginia. I hope to concentrate in SPIA or Sociology with a possible certificate in Values and Public Life. Beyond Princeton, I plan to pursue a career in higher education where I can continue helping students in all capacities. Outside of being a U-Councilor, I am also involved in the USG Social Committee, the Scholars Institute Fellows Program (SIFP), and the Princeton Student Events Committee (PSEC). In my free time, I love getting good food with friends, watching movies, doing art, and listening to audiobooks. I also always look forward to meeting new people, so please feel free to reach out at!


Hey y'all! My name is Leyton Watts, a proud member of the Great Class of 2026, and a prospective SPIA concentrator! Simply put, my role in USG and as a U-Councilor revolves around making opportunities more accessible to all students, while fostering the campus community. I also serve as a member of the sports Working Group in USG, which aims to increase student engagement with athletics, on top of generating more school spirit! It's an honor and my pleasure to represent the student body!


Class Senators

Gustavo Andre Blanco Quiroga: 2025 Senator

Hello! My name is Gustavo Blanco and I am a junior majoring in Sociology, I am originally from the beautiful country in Bolivia. I am very excited to serve as a senator for the Great Class of 2025 this year! I will do y best to makethe voices and needs of the student body to be addressed. I am commited to represent the Princeton diverse student body voice and work along cultural affinity groups and different activists to make Princeton what we envision it to be.

Niccolo Platt: 2025 SENATOR

Hey! My name is Nicco Platt and I'm from Florence, Italy and New York City. I'm a SPIA major with a certificate in Latin American Studies. On campus, I play soccer with Wawa United and serve as President of the Italian Society. In my free time, I love watching sports and taking pictures. I am excited to serve as Class Senator, so please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns!


Jack Ganley : 2026 senator

Samuel Kligman: 2026 senator

I am Samuel Licón Kligman, proud to represent the Class of 2026 in the USG Senate. Hailing from El Paso, Texas, I now call the enchanting state of New Mexico my home. At Princeton, I am a member of Forbes College, and I intend to study in the School of Public and International Affairs (SPIA) with a certificate in Spanish. Outside of the classroom, I am involved in Whig-Clio, Community Action, College Democrats, and the Center for Jewish Life. In my free time, I enjoy cooking for friends, playing the piano, prognosticating electoral (and football) outcomes, and surfing the Princeton course catalog. Please know that my presence in the Senate is more than a title—it's a dedication to amplifying the voices and aspirations of our incredible and diverse class.


Oscar Barrios: 2027 Senator

Oscar is an international student from Guatemala, proud forbesian, and member of the Great Class of 2027. He is a prospect Operations Research and Financial Engineering major with great passion for marketing, econ, and the three pound organ that drives the rational consumer. Outside of USG, Oscar is an Outdoor Action leader, club swim enthusiast, and member of the Princeton Christian Fellowship (PCF).

SidDHANT Shah: 2027 senator

Hey! My name is Sid Shah and I am a senator for the Class of 2027. I'm super excited to join USG and represent my class during my first year at Princeton. Outside of USG, I am a coxswain for the men's heavyweight crew team and a Bridge Year admissions ambassador. Feel free to contact me at Looking forward to hearing from you all!


Standing Members

SEBASTIAN Mehrzad ‘26: Parliamentarian

My name is Sebastian Mehrzad, and I'm very excited to continue serving the Princeton community as Parliamentarian for my fourth semester. I'm originally from Henderson, Nevada (just outside of Las Vegas), and I am pursuing a concentration in Neuroscience on the Pre-Medical track with minors in Global Health & Health Policy and Medieval Studies. As Parliamentarian it is my goal to be accessible to all members of USG and the Princeton community so feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.

arman nemati 27:

My name is Arman Nemati, and I am an Alumni Affairs Co-Chair. I’ve also been involved in USG as a member of the Mental Health Committee and Campus and Community Affairs Committee. I was born in Tehran, Iran, and lived in Southern California (Irvine) before coming to Princeton. I am planning on majoring in Politics and minoring in Near Eastern Studies on the Pre-Law track. Outside of classes, I love being in nature, especially at Forbes and Prospect Garden. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, please feel free to reach out to me at!

Titus Kim ‘27: Alumni Affairs Co-Chair

My name is Titus Kim (he/him), and I am a member of the Class of 2027 from Vancouver, Canada. I plan to concentrate in Economics with possible certifications in Finance. In my free time, I enjoy reading a good book—most recently read Klara and the Sun—watching movies, playing foosball, and being out in nature! I look forward to working with USG to contribute to Princeton's vibrant community and make positive impacts on campus life!



My name is Petra Knupp, I'm from Des Moines, Iowa, and I am majoring in Politics here at Princeton. Outside of USG, I am the VP of Engagement for Princeton Progressive Law Society and a member of the Women's Club Soccer team. In my free time, I enjoy playing the guitar, hanging out with friends, and watching movies. My passion for the preservation of history motivates my work as the Historian, and I seriously encourage anyone and everyone to contact me at if you have questions concerning the history of USG!

Alex Sorgini ’26:

I started my USG journey as an elections manager before becoming the Chief Elections Manager in January 2023. My main goals are increasing candidate recruitment, increasing voter turnout, and improving the overall election experience on campus. Outside of USG, I monitor political violence as a research assistant for Princeton’s Bridging Divides Initiative, manage the finances of Princeton’s Ethics Bowl team as its treasurer, and coach middle school speech and debate.

AVA Seigel ’26:
Projects Board Co-Chair

Hi, I’m Ava, a current sophomore intending to concentrate in anthropology or politics with a minor in entrepreneurship! I’m from South Florida, and on campus apart from being a co-chair of Projects Board, I’m an editor for the sports section of the ‘Prince’.


Joanna Tafolla ‘26:

Tyler Wilson ’26: